Choice of Adult Patient Circumcision Techniques

 23 Januari 2016   

Choice of Adult Patient Circumcision Techniques

Conventional, laser or electric couter, and clamps can be the procedure of choice when someone wants to be circumcised. In adult men, which procedure is most recommended?

"It is most recommended with a laser, because the skin attachment after circumcision will be tighter if stitched, unlike with clamps," said Dr. Muhammad Zaiem at Graha Rumah Sunatan, Jatiasih, Bekasi, Thursday (8/10/2015).

In contrast to the clamp method where the procedure is performed without stitches and using some kind of clamping device. Moreover, if using clamps the maximum diameter of the circumcised penis is 3.4 cm. If the diameter is more than that, then you have to use a laser.

However, the decision to use the circumcision method is back to the patient. Dr. Zaiem explained that the laser uses a kind of thin metal plate which is heated with electricity. The principle is the same as soldering. When the tip of the plate is lit, the cutting process is carried out.

The laser method developed after the conventional method because it is considered minimal bleeding so that the risk of bleeding can be minimized. However, there is still a risk of an open wound because after the procedure, it needs to be stitched again. If using a laser procedure, the patient is only allowed to take a bath three days after the procedure.

“In the beginning, circumcision was done in a conventional way. Preceded by anesthesia, then cut a bit from the top first on the right, circle to the right, then circle to the left and then sew. With these cuts, there are many risks that can be faced during circumcision, such as bleeding and infection which are quite high due to open wounds, "explained Dr Zaiem.

The risk of bleeding during circumcision, said Dr. Zaiem, depends on the size of the penis. Because, the bigger the penis size, the bigger the blood vessels, so the risk of bleeding is even greater. Present on the same occasion, Achmad Syarif, director of systems and finance at Graha Sunatan, said that adult male circumcision is important for health reasons.

"So it's not just for religious reasons, because adult circumcision is useful for reducing the risk of several diseases. After all, adult male circumcision doesn't have to wait for the first season, like children, 3 days off after that you can work again, "said Syarif.


Package Selection

Children Circumcision

Sunat Anak

IDR 1.499K - 1.999K





    Circumcision pants

    1.499 - 1.999 million rupiah

Teenager Circumcision

Sunat Remaja

IDR 1.999K - 3.999K





    Circumcision pants

    1.999 - 3.999 million rupiah

Adult Circumcision

Sunat Dewasa

IDR 1.999K - 5.999K





    Circumcision pants

    1.999  - 5.999 million rupiah